Ever x RePack: A sustainable partnership to close the loop on delivery packaging
We are thrilled to announce our exciting collaboration with RePack, a pioneering Finnish brand at the forefront of sustainable packaging solutions. At Ever, we firmly believe in the need for improved alternatives to single-use packaging. With this partnership, we can close the loop completely, as the packaging provided by RePack is not only returnable but also reusable and made from recycled materials. Let’s dive into why we chose Repack as our partner and explore how this innovative packaging system works.
Why Repack?
RePack emerged as an entrepreneurial initiative in 2011, inspired by Finland's long-standing tradition of return systems dating back to 1952. While returning empty bottles and cans had become ingrained in Finnish culture, there remained a noticeable gap in addressing other forms of packaging waste. Recognizing this opportunity for change, RePack was born. Today, RePack stands as a pioneer in sustainable and reusable packaging services, with a primary focus on e-commerce and collaborations with major online retailers across Europe. Their mission is to tackle the ever-growing problem of packaging trash by preventing waste before it is generated and closing the loop on delivery packaging.
Besides its exceptional design, the reusable packaging of RePack offers numerous benefits that make it an excellent choice. The main one is the reduction in waste and environmental impact. Choosing sustainable packaging can slash CO2 emissions by as much as 80% when compared to single-use waste.
How does it work?
To learn more about how RePack works and how you as an optician can utilize this service, please check out our comprehensive manual below.